Besides hacking or coding Workflow Engine scripts directly inside a little bit „stupid“ editor (in reality it looks like a HTML input field) Jenkins provides another possibility: Loading scripts from SCM. If you choose in Job configuration page „Groovy CPS DSL from SCM“ instead „Groovy CPS DSL“ you will get additional configuration options (see figure… Weiter »
After successfully creating and running a Docker image/container with Jenkins and the new “Workflow-Engine” we should get our fingers dirty and code a first “workflow” 😉 As usual that would be some kind of “Hello World” … As first step we create a new Jenkins job of type “Workflow” and name it “HelloWorld”. To… Weiter »
Some days ago (to be more exactly: On March 4, 2015) new version 1.3 of Workflow Engine was released. A good reason to think about how to update our Jenkins installation. Of course easiest way would be to do it manually using Jenkins Plugin Manager. Choose „Updates“ sheet, check plugins you like to update, press… Weiter »