To be able to play a little bit with the new Jenkins Workflow Engine (more about this topic later) I needed to install an additional Jenkins instance on my notebook. But I don’t want to pollute my work environment with temporary installations, e.g. won’t fight with port conflicts and so on. Therefore I decided to… Weiter »
Trying to implement a Continuous Delivery Pipeline according to the well known book from Jez Humble and David Farley [01] with Jenkins as CI (Continuous Integration) server, everyone stumbeld over following plugins and “technics” Build Pipeline Plugin [06] Build Flow Plugin [07] Delivery Pipeline Plugin [08] Parametrized Trigger Plugin [09] Job Chaining (up-/downstream) Possibly you… Weiter »
On Februar 10th Docker Inc. announced the general availability of Docker 1.5. It includes one of the most requested features in the past few months: The ability to specify the file to use in a „docker build“. As soon I had some spare time I updated my Docker environment (Mac OS X 10.10 with boot2docker)… Weiter »